Our quality: recertification

The company Ambros Huber has been successfully recertified. The audit was carried out by TÜV AUSTRIA CERT GMBH at the end of November 2016 and passed without any deviations.

We have made it our goal to offer customers the highest level of performance, service, punctuality, and flexibility. To make this measurable, we check ourselves at regular intervals and have the effectiveness of the quality management system confirmed by annual monitoring audits by independent institutions.

The columns of the implementation are the employees at Ambros Huber with their high understanding of quality and the will for continuous improvement. The AH customers are offered service at a consistently high level.

Ensuring that you can always fully rely on us, we not only attach importance to excellent employees but also ensure the quality of the services provided through internal standards and controls. Effective and efficient processes ensure that you not only receive the desired service in very good quality but also at a competitive price.

An ERP system tailored to our needs and permanently developed further supports our work in all areas.

We leave nothing to coincidence!
